The Subject and Goals of Activities
The goal of the Foundation is the development and realization of the programs contributing to the establishment of the necessary and sufficient level of constitutional culture in public life.
The goals of the Foundation are:
1. With the involvement of international and national experts, to elaborate and enforce the annual action plan regarding the study on the fundamental issues of the constitutional culture and urgent issues of that sphere,
2. With the involvement of international and national experts, to elaborate and implement the principal elements of transitology in the sphere of constitutional culture,
3. To elaborate functional and institutional solutions for the introduction of a functional system for conducting diagnostics of constitutionalism and constitutional monitoring, based on international basic documents, conclusions of the Venice Commission and case law of the European Court of Human Rights, with the involvement of international and national experts,
The main functions of the Foundation are:
1. With the involvement of international and national experts, to draft and publish the resolutions regarding the real state of constitutional culture in a number of countries,
2. To support the institutions of civil society for initiating efficient measures in the sphere of constitutional culture,
3. To contribute to the achievement of consistent knowledge regarding constitutional culture among the youth,
4. With the involvement of international and national experts, to organize and conduct youth festivals, Olympiads and scientific-practical discussions regarding the fundamental issues of the constitutional culture,
5. To conduct efficient measures for the introduction of the subject “Constitutional Culture” in the programs of the specialized educational institutions and preparation of necessary programs and educational manuals,
6. To publish of “Constitutional Culture” multilingual journal,
7. To publish significant works in the field of constitutional culture,
8. To contribute the implementation of significant programs in the field of the constitutional culture,
9. To contribute the organization, training and requalification of the specialists in the field of constitutional culture,
10. To support programs aimed at ensuring the development of young scientists in the field of constitutional culture.